Last week I wrote of the program
on LinkTV called “Global Spirit.” It is a program that “…mixes evocative film segments with deep discussion, [and] takes viewers
on a mind and soul-expanding journey, exploring the relationships between
ancient wisdom traditions, diverse belief systems, world religions, metaphysics
and modern science.”
I quoted one of the participants
in a recent program, “Uncle” Angaangaq, an Eskimo-Kalaalit shaman, healer, and
carrier of the Qilaut drum. He referred to the longest most complicated journey
a person can take is the trip between the head and the heart. I went on to
discuss what a wonderful sentiment that was and how I had experienced that in
my life – outdoors being a part of nature.
I shared recently in my weekly
meeting of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) about listening with my heart as I work
in my yard. Our property is almost an acre, has a wet-weather creek that flows
through it, and backs up to the Catoosa Wildlife Management Area (an
80,000-acre preserve owned by Tennessee).
During the meeting we discussed
the issue of thinking with our heads. Cerebral. Viewing the world I see through
my physical egoic eyes, interpreting what I see through the filters of my egoic
thoughts, processing those egoic thoughts through my egoic filters, and
pretending I am being impartial and rational. What a joke!
While I was out in the yard
cleaning up the creek, I had, once again, a sense of being simply a part of my
environment. I was not the “master” of my little corner of the world. I was
just another being full of life just like the fire ants, beetles, worms, frogs
tadpoles, water striders, rabbits, moles, gophers, and a variety of other
critters. I was not a user of my environment, but a part of it.
It is an exhilaratingly calm
sense of being at One with myself and my surroundings.
I had become aware of a sense of
Oneness that I was absorbing – not thinking about. I was experiencing
absorption through my heart-sense. I was not “doing” rational thinking through
my mental capacity. It reminded me of taking medication. I was absorbing
medication through my skin [aka: heart] rather than by injection or oral dose
[aka: head].
When I process information
through my thinking, I’m in my Ego. Granted, it may be my “higher” mind, but it
is still of my ego. This can lead me to very dangerous places – namely, the
place where I believe I’m right. And, if I believe I’m right and you disagree
with me, then by definition you are wrong.
That’s a dangerous place for me
to be.
It reeks of separation rather
than Oneness. It keeps you “different” from me. It reeks of defensiveness and
justification rather then acceptance and unity. It reinforces my ego’s (Felix)
sense of duality – good/bad, right/wrong, spiritual/non-spiritual,
appropriate/inappropriate – all of which requires egoic judgment on my part.
Again, that is a dangerous place for me to be.
Perhaps it is a dangerous place
for you to be as well.
I believe we have all
experienced this sense of knowledge through absorption rather than through
rational deduction or inference. We meet people that we “just know” we connect
with. We meet people that are just the opposite. We find ourselves in places
that fill our hearts with calm and belonging, although we cannot explain it. We
also find ourselves in places where we are simply edgy. Somehow we “know” it to
be so. It’s absorption rather than rational thinking. It’s intuitive rather
than logic. It’s a feeling I get many times during an AA meeting: a sense of
Oneness, openness and acceptance in the presence of a Reality I could not have
imagined 28 years ago.
I also believe I can invite and
develop more of that heart-based reality in my life. I desire it very much –
but am afraid of it at the same time. After all, I’m the intelligent guy who
used to drink a fifth of vodka a day and had to have alcohol in my system
24-hours a day in order to feel normal. And never once did it occur to me that
that was rather abnormal.
So, I have a first-hand,
visceral understanding of the games Felix can play on me. And I am always aware
of that.
Relax and enjoy the most
difficult journey you’ll ever take – the trip that will take you from
head-thinking to heart-absorption. Simply practice being the observer of your
thoughts and, in that stillness, listen for the whispers of the Holy Spirit.
Although these messages are
mostly for me, thanks for listening. As always – feel free to forward this
message to your friends, family, and those accompanying you on your spiritual
#5 Aug 2015
Copyright 2015
PS: The website to Global Spirit
is [ and click on “Programs.”]