Sunday, March 10, 2013

My True Happiness and My True Function Are One and the Same

A recent lesson in A Course In Miracles (ACIM) discusses my only true function here on earth and how pursuing all my constant, trivial purposes and goals only interferes with this one goal given me by God. It is a hard lesson for me. I’ve been taught that setting and achieving goals is the way forward – the way to happiness and contentment.
The Course constantly tells me all my disappointments, frustrations, upsets, anger, worry, anxiety, come from these trivial goals and objectives I have set for myself. Achieving these goals is supposed to allow me to be happy, joyous and free. But they don’t. The Course explains that these ego-based goals and objectives actually keep me in a state of fear, which is the root cause of my unhappiness and sense of being unfulfilled.
So, according to ACIM, what is my one, true function? To be a source of light and love. To be forgiving of myself and, thus, of others. To see all humankind as one – collectively, the Son of God. Finding my peace through forgiveness is my salvation. Allowing my peacefulness to spread to all humankind will save the world. That is my sole – my only – purpose. Doing God’s purpose for me is my only source of happiness, contentment, and freedom. Doing anything else is of my ego and will result in my unhappiness.
“What unhappiness?” I say to myself. “I’m not unhappy. Well, maybe a little. Yes, all the drama, chaos, and emotion I attach to my expected outcomes from achieving ‘my’ goals don’t make me really happy. Any nice feelings I may get are only very fleeting.” “Well, Donnie, my boy” I answer myself. “ That’s being unhappy.”
Then I remember from AA: My emotions are just that – emotions. They are not real. They are not facts. They are merely tripwires of my past experiences. I need do nothing with these emotions other than to acknowledge and accept them. If I pay attention to them, the frustration I experience (simply another emotion) will tempt me to drink again. After all, anesthetizing my feelings was the principle reason I drank in the first place. ACIM indicates, as well, that simply – and only – recognizing my emotions as a result of my perception of a situation, event or person is pretty close to the definition of forgiving myself and extending forgiveness to others.
Forgiving myself for perceiving the situation in a way that allowed these based-on-the-past emotions to bubble up and forgiving the people in that perceived situation is my salvation and the salvation of the world. I am to do some of this. The Holy Spirit does the rest.
I have experienced the reality of what ACIM is stating – although I could never put it into words. It’s the reality l learned by focusing on my AA purpose, rather than focusing on all the distractions of unmet expectations or focusing on “poor me” questions – like “Why is this always happening to me?”  I learned, when my sobriety felt very tenuous to return to my AA purpose: “To stay sober and help another alcoholic achieve sobriety.”
Focusing on my AA purpose would alter my whole physical universe – I have never been able to explain it. Now, maybe, I’m getting a glimpse of the true reality that was really going on. By focusing on my sobriety and my helpfulness to other alcoholics, all the peripheral stuff (and it’s all peripheral stuff) just seemed to float away. It was like my life had become Teflon®. Nothing trivial seemed to stick. When that occurred, my universe changed. Problems melted away. Confounding issues just disappeared on their own. It was – as I perceived it then – miraculous.
ACIM is telling me that when I focus on my true purpose, I will find true happiness, because following my purpose and being truly happy are one and the same.  When I focus on my true purpose, I have a taste of True Reality – not my egoic, illusionary perceptions of reality.
My True Reality is coming from my True Self, which is aligned with my True Function. That is joy! That is Peace! That is my True Happiness!
As I said, this is a hard message for me. But I’m working on it.
Although these messages are mostly for me, thanks for listening. As always – feel free to forward this message to your friends, family, and those accompanying you on your spiritual journey.
#2 March, 2013
Copyright, 2013

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